The Trailkeepers are a group of volunteers who work independently to monitor and provide basic maintenance of the 50 miles of blazed trails and woods roads. Each volunteer provides a report to the Trailkeeper Coordinator four times a year (March, June, September, and December). These reports address the trail tread and corridor, the condition of the blazes, and other issues needing attention (for example, severe erosion, trash accumulation, or potentially unsafe conditions like leaning or dead trees close to the trail). If the trail is near a forest regeneration site, trailkeepers assess the condition of the site fencing.

Trailkeepers maintain their trail sections in several ways such as by trimming and pruning branches, clearing brush from culverts, and maintaining blazes.  Problems that cannot be remedied by a Trailkeeper alone are brought to the attention of the Trailkeeper Coordinator. If warranted, other Conservancy resources get involved, or the County maintenance staff is notified.

We are always looking for more Trailkeeper volunteers. If you or your group is interested in learning more about Trailkeeper responsibilities, what a Trailkeeper report entails, or getting involved, contact