Beyond The Surface 1,2,3 by Elisabeth Carol Winchester & Darryl Haley
Winchester and Haley joined their talents as jeweler and metal detail worker to create three 6’-8’ tall iron sculptures. They directly connect with this natural landscape by including larger than life dragonflies, butterflies, turtles and a copper snake on a 3D sculpture. The other two are 6’ 2D iron panels with die cut outs of flowers and humming birds both perfectly fitting in and enhancing this sculpture park

Elisabeth Carol Winchester,

Darryl Haley,


Paralle Migrations: Dream Journey_Artist: Anne Dushanko Dobek

Parallel Migrations by Anne Dushanko Dobek
Dream Journey Using hundreds of silk screened hand-colored monarch butterflies as metaphors, Dushanko Dobek creates a multi-layered message of the perilous journey of migration and immigration for both people and insects. This exhibit will extend to June 10th then it flies off to Germany!  Website:, email

Stone Souls_Artist: Lyman Daly

Stone Souls_Artist: Lyman Daly

Stone Souls_Artist: Lyman Daly

Stone Souls by Lyman Daly (Permanent exhibit)

With monochromatic colors, Daly paints wraithlike, otherworldly and ethereal souls on boulders. These three rock paintings are at the front of the park and along the Acqua Trail.


Displacement/Flo_ Artist: Winn Rea
Displacement/Flow by Winn Rea

Hurricane Irene and Supper Storm Sandy has influenced Rea on this provocative installation. She has taken displaced trees, branches and human artifacts to create a wave of destruction in the middle of the wooded preserve reminding us of our own vulnerability.  Website:,